At H2Land we provide a Comprehensive Service to bring your land forward for development with the best results, in a timely manner – without needing to incur ANY planning or consultancy COSTS! Aside from the cash expenditure, Landowners face financial risks when promoting their own land through the planning system. Planning is an uncertain business and only a well presented, carefully prepared application will secure a consent.
We were approached by an Agent who was helping a landowner who’d inherited a house with sizeable gardens and paddock and wanted to maximise the value of the asset. The land lay in the open countryside but on the outer edge of a new settlement in Droitwich. The team identified a short fall in Custom and Self Build Housing and put together a comprehensive planning application and supporting evidence which eventually saw the scheme approved by a Government Planning Inspector, creating a significant precedent decision for similar scheme across England and Wales.
H2land then constructed the site infrastructure, roads, drainage and services and sold off plots individually to buyers looking to create individual homes to suit their personal circumstances.
A mix of individual styles resulted from individual buyers input to designs (which H2land obtained consent for as part of the plot sale package).
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