At H2Land we provide a Comprehensive Service to bring your land forward for development with the best results, in a timely manner – without needing to incur ANY planning or consultancy COSTS! Aside from the cash expenditure, Landowners face financial risks when promoting their own land through the planning system. Planning is an uncertain business and only a well presented, carefully prepared application will secure a consent.
Lyttelton Gardens
A small development of Traditional Oak framed homes. The site comprised the grounds of a large house on a generous corner plot, the previous owner had failed to secure planning consent for development on site and we purchased the property on the open market and proceeded to work through the challenging planning process, resulting in 2 different schemes approved at appeal after being refused by the Local Authority.
Lyttelton Road is highly desirable location, mostly comprising ‘Gentlemen’s Residences’, in large plots, an easily walkable distance to the town of Droitwich Spa. Securing consent for 6 homes we subsequently demolished the old dwelling and developed the consented homes to Client specification on a Custom Homes basis. One of our favourite clients had the house finished internally to reflect her Chinese heritage which made for an interesting project with some unique challenges!
All 6 homes were individual specified and finished to client requirements with externals also individual but following a strong traditional theme. The development benefitted from a comprehensive landscaping scheme and included electric gates and communication system. Regularly passing the scheme, we can testify the landscaping has beautifully settled and matured into the street scene. We are thoroughly proud of how this scheme has turned out.
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