At H2Land we provide a Comprehensive Service to bring your land forward for development with the best results, in a timely manner – without needing to incur ANY planning or consultancy COSTS! Aside from the cash expenditure, Landowners face financial risks when promoting their own land through the planning system. Planning is an uncertain business and only a well presented, carefully prepared application will secure a consent.
Land at Colletts Green
We identified a potential piece of land that the landowners confirmed had lain unproductive for many years and in fact for them was an incumbrance, requiring periodic maintenance.
We agreed an Option deal and went about putting together a strategy to enhance the value.
The consent was secured planning consent at Appeal, as the site was outside the Village Boundary and had several other challenges relating to Heritage Assets nearby and it being an old Orchard. The team worked diligently to design a scheme that overcame the challenges, protecting the significant trees on site and preserving views through to the Listed farmstead beyond.
Securing the consent delivered significant value for the land and deliver an opportunity to create 4 new homes in a sustainable community.
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