Project Details

At H2Land we provide a Comprehensive Service to bring your land forward for development with the best results, in a timely manner – without needing to incur ANY planning or consultancy COSTS!
Aside from the cash expenditure, Landowners face financial risks when promoting their own land through the planning system. Planning is an uncertain business and only a well presented, carefully prepared application will secure a consent.


7 new homes on a site assembled from a green field and bungalow providing access. The village is situated 1.5miles from the Coast at Slapton Sands, in the South Hams.

We secured the land from a neighbouring houseowner and then assembled the site including the purchase of a property to create the access and additional release of drainage covenants to make ready the site for development, alongside securing the planning consent through a challenging battle with the planning authorities.

The new homes layout and fit out were to Client specification on a Custom Homes basis, all following a similar external design theme, reflecting the Devonshire character. An interesting aspect of these homes was the exceptional use of roof spaces, all the homes provided a 2nd storey converted roofs, that offered large atmospheric, spacious bedroom suites & home offices/play spaces.