At H2Land we provide a Comprehensive Service to bring your land forward for development with the best results, in a timely manner – without needing to incur ANY planning or consultancy COSTS! Aside from the cash expenditure, Landowners face financial risks when promoting their own land through the planning system. Planning is an uncertain business and only a well presented, carefully prepared application will secure a consent.
This property was acquired consisting of a beautiful half timbered cottage with large gardens to the east and west of the property. We retained the house within its own large plot and secured planning consent to develop the approx. 1.7 acres of remaining gardens around the existing dwelling for 7 substantial detached homes and a pair of semi detached houses.
Notably this site was outside the development boundary and we needed to overcome the planning policy and environmental issues, including woodland Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and poorly draining soils With the existing house sold earlier in the process, the site was subsequently sold with planning consent to a house builder, securing a significant financial uplift over the original cost of the property.
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